Currency:USD Category:Firearms & Military Start Price:3,000.00 USD Estimated At:6,000.00 - 10,000.00 USD
& ACCESSORIES. Cal. 12 Ga. 2 1/2". S# 5811. (1899). Bbl. 30 1/8". Although proofed for 2 1/2" chambers, this well built gun has all the attributes normally found in a heavy proof pigeon gun, including extra strong breeching & relatively high stock dimensions. The 30 1/8" Whitworth steel bbls. (engraved on tops) are also engraved "Watson Bros. 29. Old Bond St. London." on file cut slightly raised flat pigeon rib w/ crossbolt extension. Bbl. flats are stamped with London nitro proofs for 2 1/2" chambers & w/ S#. Bottoms of bbls. are stamped w/ Whitworth "sheaf of wheat" logos. Case hardened backspring sidelock squareback action features automatic safety (safe inlaid in gold), hidden crossbolt 3rd fastener, side clips & dbl. triggers. Action is well filed w/ ribbons extending onto tops of fences. Action engraved w/ attractive interplay of varying sized open shaded scroll w/ in line & geometric borders. This well cut scroll extends to lockplates where central scroll is quite large & has some floral highlights. "Watson Bros." is on each lockplate. Trigger guard w/ more matching scroll on bow has S# on grip. Well marbled & very lightly figured European walnut rnd. knob "Prince of Wales" grip buttstock measures 14 1/4" over checkered horn buttplate w/ sm. top spur. Stock also features nicely shaped drop points, closely spaced flat top checkering at grip & a vacant gold oval on bottom. Matching splinter forend has Anson release. MEASUREMENTS: BARRELS: Bore diameter) R: .730 L: .729. Restriction) R:.038 (FULL) L: .038 (FULL). Min. Wall Thickness) R:.021 L:.023. STOCK: LOP: 14 1/4". DAC: 1 1/2". DAH: 2 3/16". Cast: Neutral. WEIGHT: 7 lbs. 6 oz. UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES: gun is housed in what appears to be its original leather case w/ stitched leather corners. Case is lined in scarlet cloth & has paper Watson Bros. 29 Old Bond St. label in lid. Case contains 2 piece brass & ebony cleaning rod w/ short handle section, Dixon marked ebony handled chamber brush, powder measure, pair of snapcaps & brown leather wallet w/ pull through cleaning kit as well as broken case extractor & assorted mops, jag, etc. CONDITION: good to fine as partially refinished. Bbls. retaining 80-90% old blue, possibly original w/ numerous light marks, thinning at breeches, silvering around muzzles. Action retains 20-30% original case hardening color. Lockplates retaining 50-60% of their original color. Top lever retains most of its original blue, trigger guard w/ about 20-30%. Stocks retain most of their original hand rubbed oil finish w/ numerous light marks & scratches & a few deeper dents, checkering somewhat worn & dirty. Checkering on forend has some missing diamonds. Bores are very fine, shiny w/ a few scattered minor pits & a touch of frosting mostly in right bbl. There are no noted dents or repairs. Action is tight w/ forend installed, bbls. are just a touch off face but full contact is made at side clips. Case leather is fairly dark, lightly crazed & considerably rubbed on edges. Straps are good, 1 keeper detached, handle missing. Interior cloth is fair, soiled & w/ considerable insect damage in lid. Label is foxed to dark brown w/ some rubs & other stains. Partitions are good, access. are good. A very pleasing, fine condition old gun w/ great measurements. (20-1688/MGM1). CURIO. $6,000-10,000.