SCI Lake Superior 21st Annual Banquet

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SCI Lake Superior 21st Annual Fundraiser & Banquet.

During the course of the past 21 year, the Lake Superior Chapter of Safari Club International has made donations and contributions to a variety of grounds and individuals. These contributions support activities consistent with the goals of our chapter. Chapter donations and contributions to date total almost $2,225,000.00.

Chapters of Safari Club International support the missions of SCI in a variety of ways; from "boots on the ground" carrying out projects to important financial contributions. 70% of The Lake Superior Chapter Banquet proceeds funds projects, schools, organizations, youth, veterans, conservation efforts and humanitarian efforts, locally, regional, nationally and internationally. In the 2017-2018 Funding Year, we were able to provide valuable funding totaling over $135,000. Thank you for your continued support of our chapter and of our missions.
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